
As in previous years, NGO Monitor has analyzed the financial reports of the New Israel Fund (NIF), detailing grants in 2013 to a wide variety of Israeli non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Our reports focus on the 18% of NIF funding authorized to political advocacy NGOs active, to varying degrees, in demonization campaigns against Israel.


NIF expenses in 2013 were $32,228,849, a 3.5% decrease from 2012 ($33,418,398). Authorized grants were approximately $16.4 million in 2013, a 4% decrease from 2012 ($17.6 million).  (Financial reports are usually only released 6-7 months after the end of the fiscal year. Details on grants in 2014 are only expected in June 2015.)

A number of NGOs involved in political activities related to demonization of Israel, in sharp contrast to NIF’s stated principles and funding guidelines, continue to be funded by NIF:

  • Authorized grants to 30 political advocacy NGOs amounted to $2,927,135, a 26% decrease from 2012. However, it is not clear if this represents a change in policy or reflects a pattern of multiyear grants.
  • NIF increased funding for Rabbis for Human Rights, Bimkom and Negev Coexistence Forum. The three NGOs were actively involved in opposing the Prawer-Begin framework for resolving the conflict over Bedouin land claims in the Negev, including political campaigns outside of Israel.
  • Funding also continued to a number of radical fringe NGOs such as Social TV, +972 Magazine, Human Rights Defenders Fund, and Solidarity Sheikh Jarrah.
  • In 2013, NIF ended funding for Arab Forum of Sexuality, Emek Shaveh, and Windows for Peace, while Parents Circle Family Forum received more than a nominal amount of funding for the first time (since at least 2006).
  • NIF provided extensive funding for “Molad – The Center for the renewal of Israeli democracy” ($736,000 in 2013). Molad is an openly political think-tank that seeks to “revive the Israeli left,” including through a project entitled “61,” consisting of prejudicial posters, aimed at denigrating Israeli politicians with whom they disagree. It also serves as a political and ideological vehicle for individuals previously affiliated with radical NGOs such as Breaking the Silence and Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity Movement (SJSM).

Previous NIF funding for radical anti-Israel groups (ICAHD, Coalition of Women for Peace, Mada al-Carmel, etc.), which has since ended, highlights the need to carefully monitor funded NGOs to prevent abuse of financial and other support.

NIF authorized grants for political advocacy NGOs in 2012-2013, by percentage

BLUE– Newly funded NGOs | GREEN– Funding Ended | RED– Increased Funding

NGO 2012 2013 Change Percentage
Rabbis for Human Rights $27,114 $295,493 $268,379 990%
I’lam $21,000 $96,000 $75,000 357%
Machsom Watch (Womens Fund for Human Rights) $32,270 $118,788 $86,518 268%
Human Rights Defenders Fund $32,365 $75,920 $43,555 134.5%
Parents Circle- Family Forum N/A $14,225 $14,225 100%
Sadaka Re’ut $7,791 $13,961 $6,051 76.5%
Molad $435,000 $736,000 $301,000 69%
Israeli Social TV (Syncopa Community) $25,000 $39,000 $14,000 56%
Bimkom $168,500 $248,000 $79,500 47%
Yesh Din $36,371 $50,063 $13,692 38%
IPCRI $20,506 $26,711 $6,205 30%
Negev Coexistence Forum $45,532 $49,339 $3,807 8%
Mossawa $180,050 $191,477 $11,427 6%
Arab Forum for Sexuality $0 $0 $0 0
Emek Shaveh $0 $0 $0 0
Breaking the Silence $85,115 $83,993 -$1,122 -1%
Gisha $30,808 $22,771 -$8,037 -26%
NISPED $272,750 $156,730 -$116,020 -42.5%
Sikkuy $304,783 $140,509 -$164,274 -54%
PHR-I $166,464 $71,380 -$95,084 -57%
Nine Seven Two (+972) $84,389 $31,378 -$53,011 -63%
Ir Amim $279,235 $95,131 -$184,104 -66%
Solidarity Sheikh Jarah (via Democracy Sefense Fund) $98,259 $32,550 -$65,709 -67%
B’Tselem $333,828 $107,048 -$226,780 -68%
The Arab Center of Alt. Planning $65,000 $18,250 -$46,750 -72%
Adalah $356,911 $70,948 -$285,963 -80%
Agenda $640,000 $125,000 -$515,000 -80.5%
Hamoked $175,250 $14,800 -$160,450 -91.5%
PCATI $66,582 $1,670 -$64,912 -97.5%
Windows for Peace $8,045 $0 -$8,045 -100%
Total $3,999,037 $2,927,135