Zochrot, an Israeli NGO that promotes the Palestinian narrative of “Nakba” and accuses Israel of “ethnic cleansing,” is scheduled to host a conference in Tel Aviv on September 29-30, 2013, titled “From Truth to Redress: Realizing the Return of Palestinian Refugees.”

Zochrot seeks to “raise public awareness of the Palestinian Nakba…The memory and responsibility that the Jewish public should take on the Palestinian Nakba are basic conditions to peace between people.” This agenda is equivalent to calling for the elimination of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.

According to the conference program, “The conference is made possible thanks to the generous support of: Misereor, Christian Aid, HEKS-EPER, CCFD, Finn Church Aid, Broederlijk Delen, AFSC, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Mennonite Central Committee, Trocaire, St. Het Solidariteitsfonds, Oxfam GB and private donors.” These foundations are primarily funded by European governments.

In response to inquiries from NGO Monitor, a number of foundations sent very similar responses (identical in one instance), suggesting coordination – perhaps including Zochrot.

Click here to read more about European government funding for Zochrot’s “Right of Palestinian Refugees” conference.


  1. Dr. Angelika Timm, Director Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
  2. Emmanuelle Bennani-Caillouet of CCFD-Terre Solidaire
  3. Dr. Maria Haarmann, Desk Officer Near East and North Africa of MISEREOR
  4. Lieve Herijgers of Broederlijk Delen
  5. HEKS

1. Rosa Luxemberg Stiftung response to NGO Monitor inquiry

Dear Jody Sieradzki,

We received your email of 12 September 2013 and would like to answer as follows:

The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and its Israel Office has not sponsored the conference “From truth to Redress” to be held on 29/30 September 2013 in Tel Aviv. The program only mentions the RLS as a principal cooperation partner what is correct. We cooperate with the Israeli NGO Zohrot since January 2013 and fund an educational project called “How do you say Nakba in Hebrew?”. You will find details about the project on our website.


Dr. Angelika Timm

Dr. Angelika Timm I Director I Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung I Israel Office I 26, Nachmani St. Tel Aviv

2. CCFD-Terre Solidaire response to NGO Monitor inquiry

Dear M. Sieradzki,

CCFD is a funding partner of Zochrot.  As an organization engaging in development and peace-building,  refugee issues and refugee rights all over the world are of utmost importance to us. They deserve earnest, even controversial, intellectual and political debate. Our privacy policies do not allow to disclose the amounts given to recipients.

Best regards


Emmanuelle Bennani-Caillouët

CCFD-Terre Solidaire

3. Misereor response to NGO Monitor inquiry

Dear Ms. Sieradzki,

just a quick response concerning  your query: Misereor is a funding partner of Zochrot.  As an organization engaging in development and peace-building,  refugee issues and refugee rights all over the world are of utmost importance to us. They deserve earnest, even controversial, intellectual and political debate.

Our privacy policies do not allow to disclose the amount and specifics of grants given.

With best regards and wishes for the High Holidays

Maria Haarmann

Dr. Maria Haarmann

Desk Officer Near East and North Africa


Postfach 10 15 45

D-52015 Aachen

4. Broederlijk Delen response to NGO Monitor inquiry

Dear all,

Broederlijk Delen is a funding partner of Zochrot. As a development organization, Broederlijk Delen supports rights-based development worldwide. As part of this work, we support local partners in their plans to raise awareness and debate about human rights. We support the work of Zochrot as we believe refugee rights are important in any context and should be openly discussed. With regard to details on funding, we wish to respect our partners’ privacy.


Lieve Herijgers

Lieve Herijgers


Huidevettersstraat 165

B -1000 Brussel

5. HEKS response to NGO Monitor inquiry

Dear Ms. Sieradzki,

Zochrot is a partner organization of HEKS. We are a development organisation engaged in conflict transformation. That’s why refugee issues and refugee rights are an important concern in many of our focus countries, including the Middle East. The unresolved issue of refugees in the Middle East deserves attention and public debate in all concerned societies as well as on international level.


HEKS – Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz

Seminarstrasse 28


CH-8042 Zürich