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Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
Other Content Types:Press Releases, In The Media, Presentations, Posts, , Key Issues
NGOs:Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:Dec 2023

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Showing 1-10 of 97

"Resistance," "Apartheid," and Downplaying Terror: Immediate NGO Responses to the Hamas Pogrom

On October 7, 2023 (which was the Sabbath and a Jewish holiday), hundreds of Palestinian terrorists poured across the border from Gaza into Israel, slaughtering hundreds of Jews, and torturing, maiming, and kidnapping others. In parallel, thousands of rockets were fired at Israeli population centers, sending millions rushing to shelters.


NGOs Intensify Apartheid Demonization Campaign

In the past 18-months, at least 15 political NGOs involved in anti-Israel advocacy, as well as their UN allies, have issued publications accusing Israel of “apartheid.” This offensive term is used to advance a narrative of unparalleled Israeli immorality, and to promote demonization through BDS and lawfare, including in the International Criminal Court (ICC).


Tracking Anti-Israel NGO Exploitation of the BLM Campaign

Since the founding of Black Lives Matter in 2013, a number of political NGOs have sought to connect this cause with anti-Israel campaigns. Several prominent pro-BDS organizations, as well as Palestinian NGOs, are leading this effort. These NGOs are attempting to leverage tensions in order to promote Palestinian solidarity and portray Israel as a main violator of civil rights.

Showing 1-10 of 97