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Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
Other Content Types:Press Releases, In The Media, Presentations, Posts, , Key Issues
NGOs:Associazione Comunit Papa Giovanni XXIII (Italy)
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:24 Sep 2023

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NGO Amicus Briefs on ICC Jurisdiction: The Latest Lawfare Battlefield

NGO submissions to the International Criminal Court (ICC) involve highly flawed or invented legal arguments; deviation from the requirement limiting discussion to that of jurisdiction; revision and erasure of the historical record, including Palestinian terrorism; promotion of biased source material


NGO Statements to the UNHRC Following the Gaza “March of Return” Riots

On May 18, 2018, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) held a “special session of the Human Rights Council on the deteriorating human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.” Many of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that participated in the session condemned Israel for allegedly committing “war crimes” and denied the legitimacy of Israel’s right to self-defense.


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