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Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
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NGOs:World Vision
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:16 May 2021

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Europe Funds Fraudulent Child Rights Campaign to Sanction Israel

Palestinian and international NGOs – funded by European governments and working in tandem with UNICEF’s West Bank and Gaza branch – have built an extensive campaign, using false charges of abuse of Palestinian children in the effort to trigger sanctions against Israel.


Advocacy Instead of Research: NGO Propaganda Campaigns to Blacklist the IDF at the UN

Save the Children and Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict again published reports as part of the ongoing political campaigns to demonize Israel and have Israel included on a UN blacklist of “grave” violators of children’s rights. In the process, neither NGO applies the accepted UN definitions of what constitutes such violations, and the reports reflect major methodological shortcomings.


NGOs Cook the Books in “Attacks on Health Care 2018” Publication

In May 2019, the Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition (SHCC) published “2018 Impunity Remains: Attacks on Health Care in 23 Countries in Conflict” which painted Israel as the worst offender of attacks against health care in 2018. Closer inspection reveals a publication rife with faulty methodology, as well as reporting and selection bias that can be traced to highly partisan contributors


Political Advocacy NGO Involvement in UN Humanitarian Aid Clusters

As part of UNOCHA's “Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP),” aid appeals are divided into clusters with NGOs serving as implementing partners with UN agencies, and in some cases, responsible for leading the cluster. The cluster system is a key international lobbying and action mechanism through which the PA advances its nationalist and political agenda, sustaining conflict,


The NGO-Terrorism Connection: The Case of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

In the post 9/11 world, the issues of funding for terrorist organizations via Islamic charities and non-profits (as well as other sources) has received vast attention from global law enforcement and security agencies, as well as from scholars and other policy researchers. This paper attempts to shed light on a related but less explored phenomenon of Israeli, Palestinian, and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict, that receive international government support and have ties to terrorist organizations. This financial support provides NGOs with legitimacy to continue operating despite their terror connections.


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