Palestinian NGOs

Under the guise of protecting the rights of Palestinians, Palestinian NGOs promote BDS, antinormalization, and “right of return,” which effectively would mean the end of a Jewish state. They reject the legitimacy of Israel’s existence and deny it the right to self-defense

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PalVision Board Members and Employees: Glorification of Violence, Celebration of Terrorists, and Support for BDS

PalVision’s board members, officials, and employees have justified and glorified violence against Israeli civilians and praised individual terrorists and terrorist attacks. Additionally, they have employed antisemitic and “anti-normalization” rhetoric in their public statements.


EU Diplomats Capitulate to Palestinian Pressure on Terror Regulations

On March 30, 2020, the EU Representative Office to the West Bank and Gaza sent a “clarification letter regarding the EU-funded contracts” to Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) appearing to give in to Palestinian pressure and effectively annul EU regulations that prohibit the transfer of EU funds to terror groups or individuals connected to these groups.


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