"NGO Coalition Calls for Activation of Popular Resistance Against Jewish Colonies and the Wall"
In conjunction with Badil’s strategy, a coordination meeting took place on April 18, 2007, involving “national and Islamic forces”, the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, the National Committee for the Commemoration of the 59th Anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, the National Coalition for defending the rights of Palestinian in Jerusalem, Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO), and Ittijah. The committee will take responsibility for coordinating activities relating to
- Commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip;
- Activation of popular resistance against Jewish colonies and the Wall;
- Defending Jerusalem against Israeli measures aimed at the "Judaization" of the holy city and its isolation from the surrounding Palestinian areas;
- Preparation and coordination of the commemorations of the 59th anniversary of the Nakba.
(Emphasis added). Notably, no specifics were offered as to what activities fall under the category of “activation of popular resistance” or “[d]efending Jerusalem.”