Christian Aid

Christian Aid Responds to Criticism


Debate about Christian Aid’s highly biased and politicized approach, as reported by NGO Monitor, continues. Following NGO Monitor’s letter to the Church of England Newspaper, which pointed out that the new CA website conflict section was devoted entirely to the Arab-Israeli conflict, there have been a number of developments.  The website now includes a few entries on Burma and Guatemala, but the "background," "facts and figures," "image gallery," and "resources" sections are still dedicated to the Middle East. In response to criticism of its anti-Israel bias, Nigel Varndell, CA Inter-faith Manager, claimed in an October 26, Church of England Newspaper article, that Christian Aid uses "rigorous, evidence-based analysis" to inform "its criticism." Sadly, a look at CA’s sourcesB’Tselem, UN OCHA and the PLO Negotiations affairs department) contradicts this, demonstrating that political agenda drives CA’s selection of facts and sources.