Oxfam took a political stance in the current crisis between Israel and the Palestinian government and called for the resumption of aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA), at a one-day conference held in Stockholm on August 31. Oxfam called on donor governments to the PA to "lift the current suspension of aid to the Palestinian Authority" and to "press Israel to transfer Palestinian tax revenues that are being held on behalf of the Palestinian government." There was no mention of Hamas’ continued support for terrorism or rhetoric calling for Israel’s destruction (the reasons for the ongoing denial of aid.)

War on Want (WoW)’s July 2006 campaign for divestment from Israel by international firms has claimed a victory. In cooperation with the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, WoW announced that Veolia Transport Ireland, which has a contract with Israel to build a tramline in Jerusalem, cancelled a driver-training contract for the tram system. War on Want is currently under investigation for breaching guidelines set by the U.K. Charity Commission prohibiting political campaigning.



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