Durban Strategy

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ECs Partnerships for Peace 2007-8 NGO Grantees: Funding Conflict under the Faade of Peace

Many of the "civil society" organizations funded under the European Commissions Partnership for Peace Programme are active participants in the Durban strategy that exacerbates the conflict and promotes campaigns against Israel. Support for the tendentious activities of ARIJ, Ir Amim, Associazione Comunita Papa Giovanni XXIII, and Panorama was renewed. Support for radical ICAHD was not renewed. ARIJ "aims at disseminating information on Israeli colonization." Funding for Ir Amim constitutes an attempt to manipulate Israeli democracy. Participants with Associazione Comunita Papa Giovanni XXIII use the rhetoric of "colonizing," "massacres," and "ghettoizing."


The NGO Front in the Gaza War: Exploitation of International Law

The exploitation of international legal rhetoric is a major weapon in the political war to delegitmize Israeli anti-terror operations. During the Gaza conflict, NGOs have selectively charged Israel with "violations of law," "crimes against humanity," "war crimes," "disproportionate force" and "indiscriminate attacks." Many NGOs are already calling for international "investigations" and "lawfare" based on these accusations, in order to harass Israeli officials and promote a negative media image of Israel. At the same time, the violation of Gilad Shalits human rights and Hamas use of human shields are ignored.


Durban Review Conference Alert: EAFORD - Three decades of Promoting "Zionism equals racism"

EAFORD uses its ECOSOC status to promote campaigns declaring that "Zionism equals racism" and demonization based on "apartheid." They have accused Israel of a "Holocaust" against the Palestinian people and characterized terrorism as "resistance." EAFORD was very active in the framework of the NGO Forum of the 2001 Durban Conference, claiming that Zionism is based on "purity of the race, and distinctiveness from other people" which "seems to bear close resemblance to ...Fascism and Nazism," and is seeking another UN-sponsored NGO Forum at the 2009 Durban Review Conference.


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