Foreign Government Funding

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Civil Society Organizations: Non-Traditional Actors in the Process of Radicalization

Professor Gerald Steinberg and Olga Deutsch argue that policy makers and the international community overlook a significant impediment to deradicalization efforts within civil society, particularly in the context of providing development aid.


Amuta for NGO Responsibility: Item 7 Interactive Dialogue - Oral Statement

Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk’s report proves why Canada was so disturbed by his appointment. The report has an antisemitic tinge, calling Israeli presence in the region avaricious, pathological, and rapacious, crudely resorting to bigotry as the complexities of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the thousands of years of Jewish history are erased.


French Funding to anti-French and anti-Israel Propaganda by UJFP

In October 2017, Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP) released a series of ten video clips “Paroles juives contre le racisme” (“Jewish words against racism”). The videos feature highly incendiary remarks against the State of Israel, Zionism, and France. UJFP is active in discriminatory and illegal (according to the Court of Cassation) anti-Israel BDS (boycotts, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns in France and is a member of the Platform of the French NGOs for Palestine.


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