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ACRI promotes anti-Jewish Discrimination through "Judaization" Libel in Jerusalem

ACRIs report is based almost exclusively on Palestinian testimony. None of the claims can be verified independently, and the testimony is clearly designed to promote the desired political conclusions.The publication is entirely one-sided and reinforces the artificial image and ideology of Palestinian victimization. The surprising use of the phrase Judaize erases the intense Jewish historical connection to Jerusalem and suggests that the very presence of Jews is alien and unacceptable.


EU-funded NGOs Promote the Palestinian Narrative in Jerusalem

Powerful political NGOs such as Ir Amim, BTselem, and ARIJ use foreign funding to advance agendas on Jerusalem that are in direct opposition to Israeli policies, thereby circumventing the democratic process on this highly sensitive issue. Two-thirds of Ir Amims annual budget comes from the EU and European governments. An EU position paper relied heavily on NGO reports. ARIJ baselessly accuses Israel of eras[ing] all trace of Palestinian existence in Jerusalem. BTselem asserts that Israel attempts to sustain the myth, that unified Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel.


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