Trading Away Peace: How Biased Political NGOs Fuel Conflict
Contrary to the claims of the 22 NGOs, a two-state solution can only be achieved around the negotiating table, and not through politicized attacks against Israel.
Contrary to the claims of the 22 NGOs, a two-state solution can only be achieved around the negotiating table, and not through politicized attacks against Israel.
Breaking the Silence uses European government funding to make sweeping accusations based on anecdotal, anonymous, and unverifiable accounts of low-level soldiers.
Blatantly antisemitic cartoon, featuring a Jewish man holding a pitchfork dripping with blood, awarded prize by BADIL.
The Goldstone Mission chose officials from radical anti-Israel NGOs to testify including Al Haq, AIC, and the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP). The GCMHP representative used Nazi rhetoric. HRW has obsessively supported Goldstone, who was a member of HRWs board. The process for the selection of witnesses are completely hidden, and some including PCHR were not made public. Seven NIF-funded Israeli NGOs claimed that Israel acted punitive[ly] and deliberately and knowingly shelled civilian institutions. The Mission has violated the London-Lund guidelines, lacking objectivity, transparency, neutrality, and professionalism.
In a February 23, 2009 publication, Amnesty International calls on the UN Security Council to impose an arms embargo on Israel. This continues Amnestys leading role in the Durban Strategy designed to isolate Israel and prevent self-defense. Amnesty exploits the faade of a "research report" to make baseless accusations, misrepresent international humanitarian law, and promote an immoral and indefensible equivalence between Hamas and Israel. Amnesty's attempt to equate the transfer weapons to Israel for legitimate defense, with clandestinely smuggled arms to a terrorist organization, is defamatory, immoral, and absurd.
On October 7, 2008, NGO Monitor held a press conference to introduce the research monograph entitled "NGO Lawfare: The Exploitation of Courts in the Arab-Israeli Conflict." This publication is a detailed analysis of the role of NGOs in the abuse of European and US courts for political "lawfare" the use of legal methods to achieve military goals. In parallel to their other political campaigns, these groups have initiated criminal and civil cases against Israeli officials using false claims of "war crimes."
With half of its funding from the Canadian government, Montreal-based Alternatives continues support anti-Israel political activity. Through media statements and in cooperation with groups such as the PNGO, Alternative Information Center, Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee (PARC), and Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), Alternatives promotes the demonization of Israel, contributes to the conflict, and requires greater scrutiny from the Canadian government.