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Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:20 Apr 2024

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Showing 51-55 of 55

Al Haq-supported Lawfare in Canada

Al Haq is assisting the Bilin Village Council in a lawsuit in Quebec against three Canadian corporations for allegedly aiding, abetting, assisting and conspiring with Israel, the Occupying Power in the West Bank, in carrying out an illegal act. This case is part of its strategy to exploit Western courts for political goals (lawfare), including cases against British government officials. General Director Shawan Jabarin has alleged ties to the PFLP terror organization. Israeli attorney and political activist Michael Sfard, lawyer for Jabarin, is also representing the Village Council.


Israel will not attend Durban II

On November 19, 2008, Israeli Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livni, announced that Israel will not participate in the Durban Review Conference in Geneva in April 2009, joining Canada as the only governments to formally boycott the conference. She noted the Draft Outcome Document, which "singl[es] out and delegitimiz[es] the State of Israel," and "legitimiz[es] hatred and extremism and anti-Semitism under the banner of a fight against racism." The US, the UK, France, and Denmark have threatened to boycott the conference, as well.


Alternatives (Canada) Update: Government Funding for Radical Politics

With half of its funding from the Canadian government, Montreal-based Alternatives continues support anti-Israel political activity. Through media statements and in cooperation with groups such as the PNGO, Alternative Information Center, Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee (PARC), and Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), Alternatives promotes the demonization of Israel, contributes to the conflict, and requires greater scrutiny from the Canadian government.


Showing 51-55 of 55