Press Releases

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Showing 381-390 of 395

Ford still violates own NGO funding guidelines

Following exposure of the Ford Foundation's support for radical participants in the infamous NGO Forum of the Durban 2001 conference, Ford officials pledged to stop "support[ing] organizations whose conduct is antithetical to our objectives of promoting peace, justice, tolerance and understanding," However, as planning begins for a follow-on UN conference in 2009, a newly published report by Jerusalem based watchdog NGO Monitor, has revealed that despite these guidelines, many Ford-funded NGO's continue to violate Ford's terms.

Human Rights Watch Reaction

Following the inclusion of NGO Monitors analysis in the Human Rights Watch Report, Prof. Gerald Steinberg, Executive Director of NGO Monitor commented: "This latest attack on Israels actions during the Second Lebanon War comes as no surprise. It follows a clear pattern by Human Rights Watch (HRW), which has sought to create a moral equivalence between the deliberate targeting of civilians by a terrorist organization and the efforts of a democratic country to defend itself.

NGO Monitor: Human Rights Watch Tokenism Too Little, Too Late

In response to a new HRW report retracting previous accusations against Israel, NGO Monitor calls for apology. (Jerusalem) The Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor has today called for Human Rights Watch (HRW) Executive Director Ken Roth to apologize for his vast misrepresentation of the Second Lebanon War. This follows the publication of a new report by HRW into last years conflict, which only tacitly acknowledges the errors in earlier HRW statements, and represents an attempt to regain HRWs legitimacy through artificial "balance". HRWs report, "Civilians under Assault: Hezbollahs Rocket Attacks on Israel in the 2006 War" highlights numerous factual errors in HRWs primary publication on the war, "Fatal Strikes"; which was shown by NGO Monitor at the time to be highly inaccurate, and often based on unverifiable sources.

NGO Monitor: Irish Government Funding Anti-Israel NGOs

In NGO Monitor's latest report into government funding of NGOs, the Jerusalem based watchdog has revealed that the activities of many of the NGOs receiving funding from Irish Aid contradict the guidelines and foreign policy goals of the Irish government. Irish Aid is administered through a division of the Republic of Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs. While its declared objectives are to promote "peace and justice" through a "commitment to human rights and fairness in international relations", Irish Aid funds highly biased and conflict-fuel ing NGOs such as Trocaire, Al Haq, PCHR, War on Want, World Vision, ICAHD, PARC, and Christian Aid. These and other NGOs are engaged in intense political advocacy campaigns directed against Israel, including promotion of boycotts and the rhetoric of demonization.

"NGO Monitor Response To Amnesty Statement"

July 12, 2007 Following Amnesty Internationals statement marking a year since the beginning of the Second Lebanon War, Jerusalem based watchdog NGO Monitor has expressed continued concern over their approach to the conflict. Amnestys comments again fail to hold Hezbollah responsible for initiating the conflict in an unprovoked cross border raid that saw eight Israeli servicemen killed and two kidnapped.

NGO Monitor: French government funding boycott NGOs

July 9, 2007 (Jerusalem) In its latest report into government funding of non-governmental organizations, Jerusalem based watchdog NGO Monitor has revealed the extent to which the French government support and fund NGOs with highly political anti-Israel agendas - many of whom support the widely condemned campaign to boycott Israeli trade and academics.

"NGO Monitor executive director to testify at Knesset session"

(Jerusalem, June 11th 2007) Following NGO Monitors detailed analysis of the World Banks latest report on Israel, NGO Monitor Executive Director Gerald Steinberg will be giving testimony at a session of the Knessets Law & Constitution Committee. The session is due to take place at 3 PM on Tuesday 12 June and will focus on the World Banks report entitled Movement and Access Restrictions in the West Bank: Uncertainty and Inefficiency in the Palestinian Economy,

"NGO Monitor to Amnesty members: Resign over bias and abuse of Holocaust terminology"

(Jerusalem, June 4th 2007) Amnesty International (AI) today issued a report entitled "Enduring Occupation: Palestinians under siege in the West Bank," which provides more evidence of AIs strong political agenda on Arab-Israeli issues. This report also reinforces the unjustified boycott campaigns that delegitimize Israel and the right of self-defense. By participating in this campaign, the members of Amnesty International, including the Israeli branch, undermine the basis of universal human rights.

"NGO Monitor Welcomes Debate on Credibility of Btselem Report"

Yesterday, (May 6th 2007), BTselem and Hamoked issued a report entitled " Utterly forbidden: The Torture and Ill-Treatment of Palestinian Detainees". NGO Monitor reports have shown that both of these groups use human rights to promote political agendas. The Israel Ministry of Justice has departed from previous practice and released a detailed, nine page rebuttal of this report, which notes the following...

Showing 381-390 of 395