2009 Gaza War

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Goldstone Report: 575 pages of NGO cut and paste

The Goldstone report is primarily based on NGO statements, publications, and submissions from Btselem, PCHR, Al-Haq, HRW, and many others copying the NGO biases, flawed methodology, and false claims. Following HRW and Amnesty, evidence of human shields is ignored. The report repeats NGO distortions of international law, including the false legal claim that Gaza remains occupied. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Goldstones report asserts that the data provided by non-governmental sources with regard to the percentage of civilians among those killed are generally consistent.


Pathological Politics: HRW's "White Flags" Report

HRWs allegation that Israeli forces deliberately killed Palestinian non-combatants who had surrendered is an incendiary moral indictment. Video and similar evidence that is inconsistent with the indictment is entirely missing from the HRW report. The report is based on inconsistent Palestinian testimony, claims copied from other NGOs, and irrelevant forensic evidence. In response to criticism, HRW issued a defensive press release that did not address the substantial flaws in its report. The inability to verify claims is inconsistent with definitive pronouncements on war crimes -- an accusation made 15 times in this report.


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