Sarah Leah Whitson

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Obsession and Scandals: HRW in 2009

In 2009, Human Rights Watch publications on Israel comprised 28% of its total Mideast output. This is more than Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Syria, and other chronic human rights abusers. HRW issued 34 statements on the Goldstone Report, which out-numbered documents on all the countries in the Middle East, except Israel and Iran. Scandals included a fundraising trip to Saudi Arabia, the revelation that Marc Garlasco is an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia, and founder Robert Bernsteins NY Times op-ed that strongly criticized the organizations role in turn[ing] Israel into a pariah state.


NGO Monitor: HRWs Founder Condemns Moral Failure

Robert Bernstein, the founder of Human Rights Watch, has published a very important criticism of the organization in the NY Times. In declaring his decision to publicly join the groups critics, Bernstein endorses the conclusion that HRW has lost all credibility over the Middle East. Bernsteins oped follows publication of NGO Monitors systematic report demonstrating HRWs blatant bias and lack of credibility on the Middle East. These findings have been amplified by the recent call for HRWs board members to institute a full independent review and reform in the organization.


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