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"Twenty years ago, Marc Garlasco was a pudgy science-fiction geek whose social life was going to Star Trek conventions for autographs. He toughened himself up in ROTC and went to work for the Defense Intelligence Agency, where he interrogated more than fifty Arabs and spent a year searching for a pilot who was lost in the first Gulf war. He was in his office at the Pentagon when the plane hit on September 11, and in the run-up to the war he was the guy who came up with the idea of putting the faces of Saddam Hussein and his top henchmen on a deck of cards. By the start of the war, the DIA put him in charge of high-value targeting, which is how he came to be watching on a monitor at the Pentagon when they dropped the bombs on Chemical Ali. The monitor flashed white and when the image came back, they saw two tiny flapping legs and took bets on how many times they would flap–after all, it was Chemical Ali, the guy who had gassed thousands of Kurds. But when the bombing campaign ended, Garlasco abruptly quit the Pentagon and flew to Baghdad to visit the crater at Chemical Ali’s house for Human Rights Watch. The bombs had hit unintended targets."