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NGOs:Israeli Committee against House Demolitions (ICAHD)
Other Content Types:Press Releases, In The Media, Presentations, Posts, , Key Issues
Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:24 Sep 2016

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Showing 91-100 of 103

York University's Israel/Palestine Conference: Speaker Political Profiles - Behind the Academic Facade

York University will hold a conference Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace. The vast majority of the speakers are virulent anti-Israel activists, far removed from an academic approach, who use apartheid rhetoric. There is no evidence of the robust academic critique claimed by the organizers. Their support for a one state solution is the equivalent of calling for the elimination of the State of Israel. Speakers include: Ali Abunimah, Jeff Halper, Naeem Jeenah, Mazin Qumsiyeh, and Marc Ellis.


ECs Partnerships for Peace 2007-8 NGO Grantees: Funding Conflict under the Faade of Peace

Many of the "civil society" organizations funded under the European Commissions Partnership for Peace Programme are active participants in the Durban strategy that exacerbates the conflict and promotes campaigns against Israel. Support for the tendentious activities of ARIJ, Ir Amim, Associazione Comunita Papa Giovanni XXIII, and Panorama was renewed. Support for radical ICAHD was not renewed. ARIJ "aims at disseminating information on Israeli colonization." Funding for Ir Amim constitutes an attempt to manipulate Israeli democracy. Participants with Associazione Comunita Papa Giovanni XXIII use the rhetoric of "colonizing," "massacres," and "ghettoizing."


Partnerships for Peace? An Analysis of the European Commission's NGO funding under the PfP Program

Many of the "civil society" organizations funded under the ECs Partnership for Peace Programme (PfP) exacerbate the conflict and promote biased campaigns against Israel. Some NGOs use rhetoric that promotes the Palestinian narrative and demonization of Israel, including "apartheid," "state terrorism," "naqba," "colonization," and "ghettos." The prime activities of some EC-funded NGOs in this framework are focused on interfering with and manipulating Israeli democracy and politics. EC officials claim to receive professional evaluations of the impact of these projects, but such evaluations are not made available for review.


Christian Aid 2008 Update: Promoting Conflict

Christian Aid, a major British NGO and NGO-funder, endorses a highly biased approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict. It dismisses the impact of Palestinian terrorism and focuses disproportionately on alleged Israeli "violations." Christian Aids partners are among the most radical NGOs in the region -- including Sabeel, ICAHD, and the AIC -- which actively promote BDS campaigns. Christian Aid receives substantial funding from the British and Irish governments.


Showing 91-100 of 103