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NGOs:Coalition of Women for Peace
Other Content Types:Press Releases, In The Media, Presentations, Posts, , Key Issues
Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:24 Mar 2017

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Showing 101-110 of 111

NIF-Funded NGOs: Goldstone's Building Blocks

NIF-funded groups and their publications were featured centrally in the Goldstone report. Many of these citations referred to speculative issues unrelated to the conflict in Gaza, seeking to brand Israeli democracy as repressive. BTselem, Adalah, ACRI, Gisha, PHR-I, and Yesh Din have continued supporting Goldstone and lobbying governments to legitimize the reports extreme biases and endorse its recommendations. Some NIF grantees campaign against the legitimacy of Israel as a Jewish democratic state. Others are active in worldwide boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaigns targeting Israel.


Durban NGO Alert: The Womens International League for Peace and Freedom

Womens International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) has lobbied for an NGO Forum at the Durban Review Conference, erasing the antisemitism and virulent anti-Israel rhetoric of the NGO Forum at the first Durban conference in 2001. In statements to the UN, WILPF falsely accuses Israel of "relentless destruction of Palestinian infrastructure" and maintaining "more than 650 checkpoints where Palestinians are brutalized and die." WILPF is a member of the Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP), a highly politicized Israeli NGO umbrella group funded by NIF and the EU.


EU and NIF-funded NGOs Lead Condemnations in Gaza Conflict

[UPDATED] Following the pattern in previous conflicts, a number of NGOs immediately issued condemnations of Israel following the IDF response to increasing deadly rocket attacks from Gaza. Many of these statements reflect bias and double standards, and ignore or give little attention to Israeli human rights and casualties. NGOs exploit legal terminology, including terms such as "war crimes," "collective punishment," and "indiscriminate attacks." Some use the fighting in Gaza to repeat calls for boycotts and sanctions as part of the Durban strategy, and accuse Israel of perpetrating a "massacre."


Showing 101-110 of 111