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Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
Other Content Types:Press Releases, In The Media, Presentations, Posts, , Key Issues
Funders:United Kingdom
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:Feb 2023

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Showing 111-119 of 119

The NGO front in the Gaza war: Oxfam

35 NGOs claiming to promote human rights and humanitarian agendas have issued more than 132 statements on the fighting so far. These reports are a central part of the soft power war being waged against Israel, in parallel to the hard power rocket and terror attacks. NGO Monitors series entitled, The NGO Front, will focus daily on different organizations, beginning with an analysis of Oxfams role.


Christian Aid 2008 Update: Promoting Conflict

Christian Aid, a major British NGO and NGO-funder, endorses a highly biased approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict. It dismisses the impact of Palestinian terrorism and focuses disproportionately on alleged Israeli "violations." Christian Aids partners are among the most radical NGOs in the region -- including Sabeel, ICAHD, and the AIC -- which actively promote BDS campaigns. Christian Aid receives substantial funding from the British and Irish governments.


Israel will not attend Durban II

On November 19, 2008, Israeli Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livni, announced that Israel will not participate in the Durban Review Conference in Geneva in April 2009, joining Canada as the only governments to formally boycott the conference. She noted the Draft Outcome Document, which "singl[es] out and delegitimiz[es] the State of Israel," and "legitimiz[es] hatred and extremism and anti-Semitism under the banner of a fight against racism." The US, the UK, France, and Denmark have threatened to boycott the conference, as well.


Showing 111-119 of 119