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NGOs:Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR)
Other Content Types:Press Releases, In The Media, Presentations, Posts, , Key Issues
Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:15 Aug 2022

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Showing 211-220 of 230

The NGO Front in the Gaza War: Lawfare Against Israel

One aspect of NGO statements on the Gaza war is demands for international investigations and "lawfare". Although the vast majority of previous lawfare cases have been dismissed, the damage to public perception of Israel and Israels diplomatic relations is considerable. Reportedly, PCHR is preparing cases in six countries, targeting 87 Israelis for harassment and "dozens of arrest warrants have already been issued." Other NGOs calling for lawfare in the wake of the Gaza war include the AIC, Adalah, Amnesty, Ittijah, and HRA.


The NGO Front in the Gaza War: Debate over Palestinian Casualties

There is a growing debate over Palestinian casualty claims. While the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) and the Palestinian Ministry of Health have announced that the majority of fatalities were civilians, the IDF has estimated that more than two-thirds of [the deaths] were Hamas members. PCHRs anti-Israel campaigning during war includes accusations of Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, human holocaust, collective punishment, indiscriminate killing and continued systematic destruction of all the Palestinian institutions and civilian facilities in the Gaza Strip.


The NGO Front in the Gaza War: Exploitation of International Law

The exploitation of international legal rhetoric is a major weapon in the political war to delegitmize Israeli anti-terror operations. During the Gaza conflict, NGOs have selectively charged Israel with "violations of law," "crimes against humanity," "war crimes," "disproportionate force" and "indiscriminate attacks." Many NGOs are already calling for international "investigations" and "lawfare" based on these accusations, in order to harass Israeli officials and promote a negative media image of Israel. At the same time, the violation of Gilad Shalits human rights and Hamas use of human shields are ignored.


HRW, anti-Israel Campaigns, and White Phosphorous: Condemn First, Correct (Maybe) Later

On January 10, HRW launched a public relations campaign condemning Israel for allegedly using white phosphorus weapons unlawfully in the conflict with Hamas. HRWs large budget, and its media access via the "halo effect" results in the amplification of these reports in the press and through other NGOs, without independent investigation or verification. HRWs disproportionate focus on this issue diverts attention from Hamas systematic use of human shields, its indiscriminate rocket attacks, and Irans role in fomenting the conflict.


Showing 211-220 of 230