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Funders:European Union
Other Content Types:Press Releases, In The Media, Presentations, Posts, , Key Issues
Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:24 Nov 2017

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Showing 261-266 of 266

Partnerships for Peace? An Analysis of the European Commission's NGO funding under the PfP Program

Many of the "civil society" organizations funded under the ECs Partnership for Peace Programme (PfP) exacerbate the conflict and promote biased campaigns against Israel. Some NGOs use rhetoric that promotes the Palestinian narrative and demonization of Israel, including "apartheid," "state terrorism," "naqba," "colonization," and "ghettos." The prime activities of some EC-funded NGOs in this framework are focused on interfering with and manipulating Israeli democracy and politics. EC officials claim to receive professional evaluations of the impact of these projects, but such evaluations are not made available for review.


Europes Hidden Hand: EU Funding for Political NGOs in the Arab Israeli conflict

NGO Monitor has published a highly detailed examination of European Union (EU) funding of political NGOs in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The fifty-page report, Europes Hidden Hand, provides the first in depth analysis of this important area, and reveals that between 2005 and 2007, the EU provided tens of millions of Euros from public money to NGOs whose activities directly contradict EU policy. The report also uncovers and analyzes the lack of transparency and accountability in EU funding of NGOs in this region.


Showing 261-266 of 266