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NGOs:FIDH: International Federation of Human Rights (Paris)
Other Content Types:Press Releases, In The Media, Presentations, Posts, , Key Issues
Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:21 Nov 2019

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Showing 31-40 of 42

International Law Series: The Right to Self Defense

The right to self-defense is a cornerstone of international law, enshrined in the UN Charter (Article 51) and numerous Security Council Resolutions. In order to delegitimize Israels self-defensive measures, many NGOs have issued statements distorting international law. Al Haq and PCHR falsely claim that Israel cannot invoke self-defense in response to attacks from non-state actors in occupied territory. Human Rights Watch and BTselem allege without any evidentiary basis that Israels exercise of self-defense is merely a pretext for punishing the Palestinians. Other groups pay lip service to Israeli self-defense.


NGOs discover Iran's human rights violations

Amnesty, HRW, and FIDH have issued a number of statements on the Iranian governments suppression of demonstrations and related issues following the presidential election. NGOs call for restraint, investigations, and new elections. Before the elections, Iranian violations were not a high priority for HRW or FIDH. Despite its large and active Middle East division, HRW devotes few resources to Iran. The majority of Amnestys attention was through narrowly-focused and low-impact Urgent Actions, not in-depth reports.


A Clouded EU Presidency: Swedish Funding for NGO Rejectionism

On July 1, 2009, Sweden will assume the presidency of the European Union. Swedens role in funding numerous NGOs that pursue radical political agendas, including rejecting any form of normalization with Israel, fuels the conflict. Diakonia international law project that uses distorted and misleading interpretations of international law. Funding for the AIC, PCHR, and Al-Haq. Sabeels Nakba Memory program. Other NGO grantees use apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and massacres rhetoric. Many NGOs receive Swedish funding from multiple sources, raising questions about administrative procedures and oversight.


Showing 31-40 of 42