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Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:28 Oct 2016

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Showing 71-80 of 87

Made in Europe: How government funded NGOs shaped the Goldstone report

The Goldstone report is primarily based on statements, publications, and submissions from highly politicized and biased NGOs, many of which are funded by European governments. Beyond adopting the flawed methodologies and false claims, the funding provided for these NGOs links European governments to the Goldstone report, and its contribution to anti-Israel demonization. European-funded groups PCHR, Al Mezan, Al Haq, and Adalah are also at the forefront of the lawfare campaigns that abuse the universal jurisdiction provisions in the legal codes of a number of Western countries using allegations of war crimes.


House of Cards: NGOs and the Goldstone Report

Goldstone relies on statements, publications, and submissions from highly politicized and biased NGOs. This is inconsistent with the claim to have conducted a fact finding mission. By adopting the flawed methodologies, false claims, and distortions of international law from the NGOs, Goldstone renders his entire report and its conclusions invalid. The report includes more than 500 direct citations from NGOs that lack credibility. Goldstone and other members of the commission have conflicts of interest involving close links to HRW, Amnesty International, PCHR.


Betrayed by Silence: NGOs ignore Gilad Shalit's rights

Gilad Shalit is not a high priority for human rights NGOs. There is no evidence that NGOs have undertaken sustained campaigns in support of Shalits rights. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have made only infrequent references to Shalit, always in the context of condemning Israel for "war crimes," "wanton destruction," and "collective punishment." Most Israeli groups have published only one or two statements in support of Shalit.


Showing 71-80 of 87