Israeli High Court of Justice

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Cases in Israeli Courts and Accusations of “Apartheid”: EU Funding for NGOs in Action

In 2018-2020, the EU granted €269,975 to Yesh Din, Breaking the Silence, and Physicians for Human Rights - Israel for a project ostensibly designed to increase “Israeli security forces personnel (ISFP) accountability for forcible home entries in line with democratic standards and international humanitarian and human rights law.” A review of the activities of these three Israeli NGOs since 2018 reveals what they have done with the EU funds, including promoting the canard that Israel is practicing “apartheid.”


NGO Monitor Submission to Goldstone Follow-up Committee

The NGO campaigns highlighted in this report launched ostensibly to uphold the rule of law and due process, are manufactured as part of a coordinated strategy to internationally isolate Israel and weaken its ability to protect its citizens from asymmetrical war.


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