On November 20, following Airbnb’s announcement that it was “removing listings” in “Israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank,” NGO Monitor sent a letter to the company, asking it to clarify key aspects of its new policy. (See here for more information on the NGOs involved in this campaign.)

Airbnb Corporate Relations

888 Brannan Street, 4th Floor

San Francisco, CA 94107

United States


We have read your policy, “Listings in Disputed Regions” and have the following questions:

  1. How does Airbnb define “Israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank”? Does this mean Airbnb will be delisting properties in Jerusalem? The Old City of Jerusalem? The Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem?
  2. You write, you “Consult with a range of experts and our community of stakeholders.” With which “experts” and “stakeholders” did Airbnb consult on this policy?
  3. Please specify what constitutes a “safety risk” as mentioned in your release?
  4. What other “disputed regions” is Airbnb currently evaluating to determine whether to remove listings?


Anne Herzberg

Legal Advisor

NGO Monitor