

In their own words“educates and empowers Jewish and Palestinian Israeli youth and university students to pursue social and political change through bi-national partnership.”



  • Founded by “a group of Jewish and Palestinian Israeli university students who shared the vision of a better future for both communities…Our grassroots dialogue and leadership development programs seek to address the deep-seated injustices caused by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and create a new generation of young activists promoting a shared society based on equality, solidarity, and justice.”
  • In contrast to these objectives, the organization presents a highly polarizing and one-sided narrative of Palestinian victimization and Israeli guilt. Through its partnerships with groups that reject the legitimacy of Jewish sovereignty in Israel and repeatedly emphasize Israel’s alleged systematic discrimination and the “Nakba,” young participants are presented with a simplistic, biased and divisive perspective.
  • Sadaka-Reut runs the program “Community in Action” for Palestinian and Jewish youth, which includes “lectures, workshops, conferences and tours relating to the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its impact on our everyday lives.”
    • The program’s methods and activities, however, are inconsistent with these goals, as it works with highly politicized NGOs to provide participants with a one-sided and reductionist narrative of Israeli guilt and Palestinian victimhood.
    • Participants organize a number of campaigns on “the issue of the Palestinian refugees, an internet campaign against the deportation of refugees and a “Fanzine” that promotes the Arabic language and resists the “nation-state” law.”
    • In 2021, the program held “learning days” on the “layered intricacies of racism, segregation, and injustice exemplified in Israel’s social and geographical periphery.”
  • Beginning in 2022, Sadaka-Reut is running a “Tour Facilitators Training Program” to “enable young Palestinians from Jaffa to re-claim their story, expose the city’s erased history and oppressive current reality while advocating for their communities; and second, enable Jews living in and around the city to take responsibility and an active part in changing the narrative around Jaffa in their communities.”
  • In May 2021, Sadaka-Reut published a “tourism booklet” titled “From Jaffa to Yaffo to Yaffa – A Booklet of Socio-Political Tours of Jaffa” to “shatter the prevailing conception in the Israeli public about the city” and present the “historical and current practices of marginalization of Palestinians in Jaffa.”
  • In 2011-2014, Sadaka-Reut held its “Gemini Project,” funded by USAID.
    • The Gemini Project aimed to “to offer a framework for constructive dialogue between Jews and Palestinians about the cultural, religious and other areas which divide them, and in so doing deepen mutual understanding and empathy. To create a safe space for dialogue which will challenge prejudices, condemn discrimination and racism, and offer an alternative sphere that promotes cooperation.”
    • The Gemini Project was administered by coordinators Yael Tsabari and Rajaa Natour.  Tsabari’s Facebook page includes a link to the campaign “Love in the Time of Apartheid,” suggesting her support for the accusation that Israel is an “apartheid” state.  According to Natour’s Facebook page she “likes” numerous politicized Facebook groups, including the “Third Palestinian Intifada” whose goal is to “defeat the occupation of every inch of the land of Palestine” (meaning the State of Israel and the West Bank and Gaza Strip). The Third Palestinian Intifada page makes liberal use of graphically antisemitic imagery such as a photo of Adolf Hitler with the caption, “I would have killed all the Jews of the world, but I kept some to show the world why I killed them.” The page also includes accusations that Israel is an “apartheid” and “terrorist state,” and encourages the U.S. Congress to halt aid to Israel.


  • Sadaka-Reut maintains partnerships with organizations on the extreme fringe of the Israeli political debate, including Zochrot (with which they joined for a project called “Introducing the Palestinian Nakba to the Israeli Public”), Coalition of Women for Peace, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, and Machsom Watch.
  • Member of the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP).
    • ALLMEP regularly engages in lobbying, approaching “opinion makers, elected representatives, government officials, American and international funders, and the international community about the critical opportunities and needs of people-to-people efforts.”
    • In December 2020, after lobbying by ALLMEP, the House of Representatives passed the Middle East Partnership for Peace Act which “would provide $250 million over five years in order to expand peace and reconciliation work in the region.” According to ALLMEP, “The legislation, which is a result of over a decade of work from ALLMEP, is the largest investment in this sector ever.”

Funding to Sadaka-Reut

Figures based on quarterly reports submitted to the Israeli Registrar for Non-Profits.

European Union195,999322,829327,636
Kerk In Actie/ ICCO(Netherlands)317,904280,897140,172210,259
Secours Catholique (France)79,13688,57496,188
Bread for the World  (Germany)196,857103,199173,757155,059
MISEREOR (Germany)267,649352,342416,179237,420
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation(Germany)58,378120,375142,450
Sivmo (Netherlands)33,44438,12942,87041,270
Finn Church Aid77,51977,43450,732
British Shalom Salaam Trust29,40732,279
Caritas Switzerland281,498391,83718,182

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