The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

This German government funded organization is affiliated with the Left Party ("Die Linkspartei.PDS" – formerly"PDS – Party of Democratic Socialism" (Communists), and, like other German parties, conducts a number of political activities with "local partner organisations" (NGOs). "The project work in Palestine focuses on methods of political education of Palestinian women and employees as well as the encouragement of democracy and tolerance amongst university students. In Israel activities to improve the Palestinian-Israeli relationship and to support disadvantaged groups are carried out. The project supports various initiatives for a long lasting and fair solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and so for a peaceful future in the Middle East." 

Current (2007) Projects and partners:

Enhancing the Political Role of Palestinian Women
Palestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy (PCPD), Ramallah (Palestine)

In June 2000, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and the Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy (PCPD) in Ramallah agreed on a project to enhance the political role of Palestinian women. It has since been extended to 2005. Participants are motivated to play a bigger part in social life and in existing organisations, thus helping to reshape politics, particularly in view of a future Palestinian state.

The project includes numerous workshops and publications in Palestinian regions. The results of these workshops are published by the PCPD. In spite of the tense political and security situation, especially since the beginning of the "Second Intifada", the participants have been able to continue their work.

The project concentrates on areas particularly important for a democratic and pluralistic development of equal opportunity and sexual equality. It is necessary to promote equal opportunity and democratic dialogue in order to discuss and solve intra-Palestinian issues and problems. To achieve conflict resolution, civil-societal structures have to be established and supported. This project helps empower women to take their rightful place in society and voice their demands and opinions publicly.


Religious and Ideological Tolerance: Enhancing Communication amongst Students

Ramallah Centre for Human Rights Studies

This project aims to overcome radical tendencies seen at colleges and universities nowadays. Utilizing democratic and tolerant academic personnel (professors, scholars, experts, etc) in order to resolve the spiral of ethnic violence and intolerance in the region by breaking through to younger generations enabling them to see past clichés and stereotypes and to recognize the human on the other side of the veil of hatred. The youth has influenced and continues to affect public opinion. Students in particular are going to graduate and be the intellectual elite of tomorrow. It is important to reach out to them and to teach and practise mutual respect and tolerance.
This part of the project is scheduled to continue through 2003. It consists of workshops and events promoting inter-ethnic dialogue on all Palestinian institutions of higher education on the West Bank and in the Gaza strip. Project partner is the Ramallah Centre for Human Rights Studies (RCHRS).
In spite of the tense political and security situation, especially since the beginning of the "Second Intifada", our local cooperation partners undertake every effort to continue with educational events and successfully complete the project.

Pillars of Peace
Havatzeleth, Tel Aviv.
This is the RLS first project in Israel and is realised together with the cultural and education institute, Havatzeleth. It intends to lay the foundation stones on which it may be possible  to build confidence and promote peace. This is achieved by creating a framework for Jewish and Arab youths between 15 and 18 years old to meet under informal conditions and get acqauinted and by staging public relations activities on political and cultural aspects of the Jewish-Arab relationship. It also intends to motivate young people to assume democratic and social responsibility.

Training and Mobilising Arab and Jewish Parents for Equality in Education
Israel Committee for Equality in Education (HILA)
HILA organises education events, seminars and training courses for jewish and arab parents as well as activists. Goal is to enable these to advocate equality in eduxcation for disadvantaged groups in society (israeli Arabs, Beduins and Ethopians). Publications and leaflets on thir rights within Israeli law are also produced.

Education for Peace and Democracy

This project was started at the end of 2002 in Jerusalem together with the "Coalition of Women for Peace". Every year a peace tent is organised to promote the Jewish-Arab encounter. The publishing of the feminist magazine "Nora" and other publications is supported. The arab-jewish women’s organisation "Tandi" stages educational courses. CWP organises regular public events to disseminate a progressivé, fair and non-military vision for future peace.