[Opinion] A Taste of Their Own Medicine at the UN
Professor Gerald M Steinberg discusses the UN's International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD).
Professor Gerald M Steinberg discusses the UN's International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD).
Anne Herzberg calls upon the UN and EU to commit to their claims of neutrality, and stop financing and promoting the whitewashing of Palestinian violence.
Professor Gerald Steinberg and Gilad Segal call upon the European Union and European governments to cease their funding of Palestinian human rights organizations engaged in the incitement, justification, and glorification of terror attacks against Israelis.
Anne Herzberg maintains that depraved exploitation and abuse of children as targets and weapons will not end so long as the UN, members of international community and NGOs continue to enable these atrocities.
Gerald Steinberg maintains that attempts to create a false symmetry between terrorists and their victims are tragically misleading and brutally immoral.