[Opinion] The war that Kerry and Indyk began
Gerald Steinberg asserts that political leaders who deal with fates of nations must be bound by the terms of the Hippocratic Oath: "First, do no harm."
Gerald Steinberg asserts that political leaders who deal with fates of nations must be bound by the terms of the Hippocratic Oath: "First, do no harm."
Anne Herzberg maintains that depraved exploitation and abuse of children as targets and weapons will not end so long as the UN, members of international community and NGOs continue to enable these atrocities.
Gerald Steinberg maintains that attempts to create a false symmetry between terrorists and their victims are tragically misleading and brutally immoral.
NGO Monitor joins the families, citizens of Israel, the Jewish people, and their supporters in mourning the deaths of Naftali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaar, and Eyal Yifrach.
BTselems Hitching a ride campaign is an immoral and cynical exploitation of the circumstances of the kidnapping of the three Israeli teenagers and reflects the NGOs partisan, political agenda.
Gerald Steinberg maintains that while Israel is acting according to international legal norms in its operation to locate the three kidnapped teenagers and root out terrorist infrastructure, a number of NGOs consistently accuse Israel of acting illegally.
Many NGOs that claim a human rights mandate have remained silent regarding the recent kidnappings and murders, while most NGOs that have released statements have created an artificial balance by also criticizing Israel and/or blaming Israel.
Gerald Steinberg asserts that in a moral world the kidnapping of three Israeli teens would have produced immediate and widespread outrage, but in the real world those who claim to promote "human rights" are largely silent.