Khiam Rehabilitation Center (Lebanon)
- Khiam does not include any financial data, donor information, or sources of funding on its website, reflecting a complete lack of transparency and accountability.
- Khiam is active in lobbying the United Nations, submitting statements to the UN Human Rights Council criticizing Israel.
- Claims to oppose torture, with links to prominent international anti-torture NGOs and peace images of doves on its website. Many of its campaigns closely parallel Hezbollah objectives.
- In October 2021, Khiam signed a joint statement condemning the decision by the Israeli Ministry to designate six Palestinian NGOs as terrorist organizations. According to the statement, “This unprecedented designation is merely the latest escalation in Israel’s widespread and systematic institutionalized campaign that has aimed to silence and discredit any Palestinian individual or organization that dares seek accountability for Israel’s grave human rights violations, war crimes, and crimes against humanity…the international community, especially the European Union and its member states who are key supporters of and donors to Palestinian civil society, should ensure that banks and financial institutions in their jurisdiction are notified Israel’s designation of Palestinian organizations is unfounded and inapplicable.”
- In June 2021, Khiam was a signatory on a statement calling to “expel the apartheid state from the United Nations.” According to the statement, “the fundamental reason for the conditions in the whole of occupied Palestine is due to… the continuation of the policies of the usurping entity of Palestine in 1948, and the complicity of the dominant colonial states in the brutal capitalist system with the policies of the occupying state and apartheid.”
- In June 2021, Khiam was a signatory on a letter to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Michael Lynk calling for him to “Reiterate the adopted numerous UN resolutions and reports that the people of Palestine are suffering from intentional discriminatory collective punishment, ethnic cleansing… occupation, racist and Apartheid policies.”
- In October 2020, Khiam was a signatory on a statement to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee that “The use of the so-called Israeli, Emirati, Bahraini, American peace agreement, as a pretext for this award is misleading…it is an agreement that ignores the rules of international law, consecrates Israeli settlement colonialism, and legitimizes an apartheid system built by Israeli occupation.”
- In September 2018, Khiam joined a campaign against the “racist practices and the illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories.” According to the campaign, “No one should practice anti-Semitism against the Jews, and in the same logic, no one should practice persecution and apartheid against the Palestinians.”
- The Khiam Center and FCLD published a joint document “Calling for the freedom of Samir al-Kantar…”. Kuntar, who murdered an Israeli family in a 1979 terror attack, is referred to as a “hostage in the Israeli prisons” following his “operation against occupied forces [sic] in Palestine.”
- Khiam Center’s celebration of Kuntar’s “liberation” included distributing candies and flowers outside its offices. His terrorist attack was labeled a “heroic act.”
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