Submission to the UNHRC 40th Session - Torture and Wrongful Punishment by the Palestinian Authority
The Palestinian Authority (PA) is signatory to the UN Convention Against Torture. As such, its kidnapping, torture, and execution of Palestinian citizens that allegedly sell land to Jews should be condemned by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).
NGO Monitor Submission to the State Department 2018 Human Rights Report on Israel, the Golan Heights the West Bank, and Gaza
NGO Monitor prepared this submission to the US State Dept to inform and improve the process by which the State Department prepares its annual Human Rights Report on Israel, Golan Heights, West Bank, and Gaza.
Omissions and Oversimplifications: HRW’s Report on PA and Hamas Torture
Human Rights Watch’s October 2018 report “Two Authorities, One Way, Zero Dissent: Arbitrary Arrest and Torture Under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas” contains a number of obvious omissions and reflects an absence of serious analysis
[Opinion] UN Committee Against Torture review: NGOs' influential role
Anne Herzberg argues that proper due diligence regarding submissions by highly politicized NGOs to the United Nations Committee Against Torture review of Israel is essential.
HaMoked and B´Tselem´s Torture Allegations: EU-Funded Demonization
B´Tselem and HaMoked´s report alleging "Abuse and Torture" at an Israeli prison is based solely on "testimonies" from terrorists and suspected terrorists, coincides with the forthcoming UN Committee Against Torture review of Israel.