Medical NGOs

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NGOs Cook the Books in “Attacks on Health Care 2018” Publication

In May 2019, the Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition (SHCC) published “2018 Impunity Remains: Attacks on Health Care in 23 Countries in Conflict” which painted Israel as the worst offender of attacks against health care in 2018. Closer inspection reveals a publication rife with faulty methodology, as well as reporting and selection bias that can be traced to highly partisan contributors


The Lancet's Dr. Richard Hortons Editorial Fails Credibility Test: He must apologize and retract Gaza letter

Hortons editorial in this weeks Lancet marks another step towards ending the exploitation of this journal for demonizing Israel. At the same time, however, Horton failed to retract or apologize for his own central responsibility for the mendacious An Open Letter for the People of Gaza in July 2014.


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