Publications > Books
Amnesty International: Failed Methodology, Corruption, and Anti-Israel Bias
While Amnesty International may be considered the most prestigious international NGO, the organization is tainted by a number of scandals. In addition, systematic research shows that its publications contain systematic flaws, erroneous claims, and consistent bias against Israel.
Second Class Rights: How Amnesty International & Human Rights Watch Fail Women in the Middle East
While the lack of rights and fundamental freedom for women is one of the most egregious manifestations of autocratic and oppressive regimes in the Middle East, prominent human rights NGOs fail to direct sustained attention to womens rights in this area of the world.
NGO Malpractice - The Political Abuse of Medicine, Morality, and Science
These groups use their humanitarian work as an opportunity to take partisan positions against Israel, using medical jargon and their reputations as medical experts to advocate on issues far removed from medicine in order to support Palestinian political goals.
Spanish Government Funding for NGOs: 2009 - 2011 - Assessing Transparency, Accountability, and Impact on Israel
Spanish government funding is allocated to Palestinian, Israeli, and Spanish NGOs that are among the leaders in ideological campaigns to delegitimize Israel via BDS, lawfare, and other forms of demonization.
Bad Investment: The Philanthropy of George Soros and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
How Soros-funded Groups Increase Tensions in a Troubled Region
NGO "Lawfare": Exploitation of Courts in the Israeli-Arab Conflict
An in-depth report, documenting the central roles of groups such as the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), Al Haq, and others in implementing strategies for the prosecution of Israelis.