Hebron Rehabilitation Committee


Country/TerritoryPalestinian Authority
In their own words"to preserve [Hebron's] cultural heritage, to revive the Old City by reclaiming abandoned buildings, and to contain and encircle," Jewish neighborhoods inside the Old City.




  • The Hebron Rehabilitation Committee’s “Partners and Friends” include Al-Haq, Land Research Center, Palestinian Red Crescent Society, Christian Peacemaker Teams, Save the Children, and Medecins sans Frontiers.
  • HRC is a “Regional and National Partner” of the Habitat International Coalition.
    • On August 29, 2017, Joseph Schechla, HIC coordinator of the Housing and Land Rights Network, wrote an article on the “Anatomy of ISIL in the Middle East,” discussing how “the ISIL phenomenon ironically has its roots in deep anomalies and double standards of the interstate system itself. This is only symbolically reflected in the contemporary acronym of ISIL, which corresponds with the abbreviation for the so-called “Islamic state” (IS) joined to the binomial code for the State of Israel (IL). This coincidence of acronyms completes the analogy of the respective Jihadist and Zionist movements and their common attributes at the expense of indigenous Middle East peoples. Just as one follows the other in time, the participants in the former-named (IS) may be counting on the same seamless impunity long enjoyed by its latter-cited predecessor (IL).”
  • In 2017, HRC partnered with the Oakland Foundation launch the project “Palestine: For Land and Life” alongside BADIL, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), Youth Against Settlements, and Hebron Rehabilitation Committee
    • In 2017, the Oakland Institute launched a project titled “Palestine: For Land and Life” that “offers a glimpse of everyday life for the people in Palestine and the monumental issues that stand in the way of peace and justice in the region.” As part of the project, the Oakland Institute published a series of reports accusing Israel of apartheid, colonialism, and land grabs.

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