Yona Shifmiler 2Click for full article.


On February 2, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), an anti-Israel organization that seeks to “drive a wedge” in the Jewish community over support for the Jewish State, distributed 10,000 copies of a propaganda pamphlet masquerading as The New York Times. Claiming to be a special edition of the paper, the publication featured “articles” praising BDS and blaming Israel for the latest round of Palestinian terrorism over the past four months.

While JVP does not publish information on its financial backers, some of their supporters proudly announce their bankrolling of this group. In 2015, JVP received a two-year, $140,000 grant from the New York-based Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF)…JVP is far from the only hostile and offensive group to receive RBF’s blessing. In 2015, the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)—a group that regularly refers to “Israeli apartheid” and Israel’s “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians—received $50,000 for its “Israel Program.” The Quaker group is a close ally of JVP, and promotes BDS initiatives throughout the United States, including on university campuses…Perhaps even more heinous than the funding for JVP and AFSC is RBF’s relationship with the extremist group Zochrot. Zochrot’s goal of eliminating the Jewish State by achieving a “de-zionized Palestine” was enhanced when it received $20,000 in “Peacebuilding” money in 2015.

The ugly crusade embarked upon by its grantees is inimical to RBF’s vision of a “more just, sustainable and peaceful world.” By propping up these organizations, RBF is betraying its own mission and is depriving those who are actually working for achieve these values of the means to continue and expand their work.

The funding provided to extreme anti-Israel organizations is the oxygen that enables them to demonize and delegitimize Israel in their assault on Jewish self-determination. The New York Times and the public at large are right to be angry at JVP. But the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, which claims that it “values transparency, openness, and accountability,” is also responsible.