
  • Kurve wustrow 4 (3)Since 2013, German NGO KURVE Wustrow has been running a project in the West Bank titled “Strengthening Nonviolent Initiatives”, as part of a German federal government program, Civil Peace Service (CPS). This program
    is managed and implemented by “German peace and development organisations” such as KURVE Wustrow, but is funded in its entirety by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
  • According to its website, “The Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action – KURVE Wustrow is a non-profit association funded by its members.” However, according to the 2014 annual report, in 2013 and 2014 roughly 80% of its budget came from public grants.
  • According to the CPS website and Kurve Wustrow’s website, the local partner organizations participating in this project are Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC), the Center for Freedom and Justice (founded by one of the PSCC member committees), Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP), and Youth Against Settlements (YAS). As shown below, the activities of two of these NGO partners are inconsistent with claims of advocating for nonviolence.
  • CWP and PSCC have worked together before on similar projects, under the auspices of other frameworks. In 2013, they received a joint grant from the EU’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) for an almost identical project – “Addressing fear: strengthening the nonviolent alternative.” Following NGO Monitor publications and communication with the EU, the subsequent PfP Call for Proposals of 2014 warned that “All actions should assess whether they may directly or indirectly lead to violence, even if they have been established for non-violent purposes” (emphasis added). Moreover, EU funding to CWP and the PSCC was discontinued in the consecutive funding cycle.
  • Kurve Wustrow’s stated vision is a “world marked by nonviolence and ecologically and socially balanced.”

Activities of the PSCC

Activities of CWP

  • Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP) initiated the “Who Profits?” campaign and database, which identifies targets for anti-Israel BDS.
  • CWP officials have been photographed holding a flag of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, an EU-recognized terrorist organization responsible for numerous attacks against civilians. Following the publication of a previous NGO Monitor’s report, this image was removed from CWP’s Facebook page.

KURVE Wustrow Statement

  • In November 2015, KURVE Wustrow published a statement condemning the “attacks of the Israeli army and settlers on our civil peace service partners in Palestine.”
  • The statement fails to mention Palestinian terror attacks against Israeli civilians: “We are witnessing with great concern the current wave of violence in Palestine and Israel. Especially worrying is the unjustified and disproportional usage of violence by the Israeli army against the Palestinian population, as well as the attack against our Palestinian cooperation partners Youth Against Settlements (YAS) and Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC).”
  • The term “violent attacks,” recurrent in the statement, refers to arrests and detainments of two Palestinian members of these organizations for their alleged involvement in terror activities.

Screenshots from PSCC Twitter Account

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