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Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:21 Sep 2018

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French-Funded NGOs: The Radicalization of Human Rights

Several French-funded NGOs involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict use the facade of human rights and international law to blur the lines between “peaceful” and “nonviolent” campaigns and violent “resistance” including attacks against civilians. By exploiting the language of human rights and by working together in a tight network, these groups are able to amplify their claims, garner undue exposure, and gain legitimacy for their radical ideologies.


European Funding for Palestinian “Cultural Resistance”

The European Union (EU) and European governments provide funding to a number of Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for culture, art, and related activities. Detailed research and analysis of this funding reveal that many of the supported organizations utilize cultural activities to indoctrinate children and youth, promoting rejectionist and violent agendas.


UNICEF and its NGO Working Group: Failing Children

UNICEF spearheads a campaign to have Israel included on a UN blacklist of “grave” vio-lators of children’s rights. This political agenda is a primary facet of UNICEF’s activities relating to Israel, completely inconsistent with its mandate of “child protection” and from its guidelines for neutrality and impartiality.


Swedish Government Funds Latest BDS Initiative in France

As shown by NGO Monitor research, a report published today by a coalition of French and Palestinian pro-BDS organizations that calls on the French government to “pressure” French financial institutions to divest from Israeli banks, communication, insurance, and utility companies, is funded by the Swedish government.


French Government Funds NGOs Involved in Boycott Campaigns and with Alleged Ties to Terror Groups

As France prepares to host an international peace conference, a research brief published today by NGO Monitor documents French government support of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that support discriminatory BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns against Israel and with alleged ties to terror groups.


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