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Breaking the Silence (Shovrim Shtika)

Breaking the Silence makes sweeping accusations based on anecdotal, anonymous, and unverifiable accounts of often low-ranked soldiers. These “testimonies” lack context, are politically biased, and erase the complicated reality in the West Bank. In addition, they reflect a distorted interpretation of the conflict in order to advance the political agenda of Breaking the Silence activists, thereby fueling the international campaigns against Israel.



Trócaire claims to work "in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) and Israel." Its description of the region claims a population of 4.1 million (see below). The population of the West Bank and Gaza is appoximately 4 million, while that of Israel is over 8 million. Trócaire thus seems to serve only the population in the West Bank and Gaza, although it claims to work in Israel as well.


UN Adopts Invented NGO Claims on Palestinian Minors to Threaten Israel with Blacklist

On July 11, the UN Secretary-General released his annual report on Children in Armed Conflict (CAAC), dealing with the violation of children's rights in conflict zones in 2021. This year, the UN again presents misleading statistics and adopts invented standards in order to advance a narrative that the IDF violates the rights of Palestinian minors


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