The Darker Side of Oxfam
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Over the last few years, Oxfam GB and the Dutch branch of the charity, Oxfam Novib, have granted many tens of thousands pounds to Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP).
This group is linked to, a website that publicly identifies boycott targets, including Israeli banks, utility providers and companies like SodaStream.
In 2013, Oxfam Novib alone donated more than £70,000 to the group.
Oxfam Novib, which receives tens of millions of Euros from the Dutch government, is also a substantial supporter of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PHCR), the organisation behind many “lawfare” suites against Israel, including attempts to arrest Israeli officials abroad.
In 2009, it sponsored Ali Abunimah, co-founder of the popular anti-Israel website Electronic Intifada, to give a presentation in the Netherlands in which he advocated BDS and accused Israel of “ethnic cleansing”, “colonisation” and “apartheid”.
Last year, Oxfam’s logo also appeared on a poster advertising a conference promoting the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state, which was organised by a radical group called Zochrot. Oxfam, however, denies any involvement. Moreover, as I reported in December, Oxfam GB (as well as UNICEF and Christian Aid) has funded the controversial Left-wing pressure group Breaking the Silence.
[A]ccording to Professor Gerald Steinberg, the president of NGO Monitor, the agenda behind Oxfam’s statements is clear. “For Oxfam to say that it does not support the boycott is like a company claiming that it opposes air pollution, but invests in a coal power plant,” he said.