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France provides millions of Euros to French, Palestinian, and Israeli non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Direct funding to these NGOs is transferred from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI) through L'Agence Française de Développement (AFD – French Agency for Development), the Consulate General of France in Jerusalem (The Consulate), and French regional governments.


Breaking the Silence (Shovrim Shtika)

Breaking the Silence makes sweeping accusations based on anecdotal, anonymous, and unverifiable accounts of often low-ranked soldiers. These “testimonies” lack context, are politically biased, and erase the complicated reality in the West Bank. In addition, they reflect a distorted interpretation of the conflict in order to advance the political agenda of Breaking the Silence activists, thereby fueling the international campaigns against Israel.


Israel Social TV

Israel Social TV acts as a platform for accusations of Israeli “apartheid,” “racism,” “discrimination,” and perpetrating a “Nakba” against the Palestinian population, and to advocate the “one-state” solution and a Palestinian “right of return.” Israel Social TV is also active in promoting BDS against Israel.


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