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American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)

AMP provides “advocacy training” including instruction on how to lobby politicians, and produces media and activism guidebooks, such as campus activism resources including fact-sheets, anti-normalization material, and Power Point presentations that parrot the Hamas narrative of the 2014 Israeli-Hamas conflict in Gaza, claiming that “Palestinian resistance was born out of the occupation and the siege, plain and simple.”


European Legal Support Center (ELSC)

The European Legal Support Center (ELSC) was jointly founded by the Rights Forum, the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO), and European jurists as an initiative aimed at “defending individuals and organizations that face false and defamatory accusations of antisemitism and repression because of their support for Palestinian rights and particularly for BDS measures to achieve these rights.”



Trócaire claims to work "in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) and Israel." Its description of the region claims a population of 4.1 million (see below). The population of the West Bank and Gaza is appoximately 4 million, while that of Israel is over 8 million. Trócaire thus seems to serve only the population in the West Bank and Gaza, although it claims to work in Israel as well.


Who Profits

‘Who Profits’ initiates international BDS campaigns, targeting Israeli and foreign banks, security companies, civil infrastructure facilities, and private companies. It supports BDS campaigns around the world in finding target companies.


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