
  • The Norwegian government, via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), provides tens of millions of kroner (NOK) through direct and indirect funding processes to politicized NGOs operating in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.
  • Organizations receiving Norwegian funding lead campaigns and political activities that are inconsistent with Norway’s government policies to promote peace and a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
  • As of June 1, 2016, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs allocated NOK 5 million ($600,000) to the Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretariat (IHL Secretariat), managed by the Institute of Law at Birzeit University (IoL-BZU) in Ramallah and NIRAS – a European consulting firm.

Direct Funding to Political NGOs

According to information available on the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs/NORAD website (as of August 31, 2016), for 2016 the Norwegian government has committed funds of over NOK 200 million (over $24 million) to politicized organizations active in the region. These funds are distributed via NORAD, the Embassy in Tel Aviv, the Representative Office in Al Ram, the IHL Secretariat, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2015, Palestinian entities received NOK 741 million from Norway.

Norway funds projects in Israeli and Palestinian areas under two categories: “Palestine” and “Middle East Regional.” Israeli organizations can only receive funding as “Middle East Regional.” In correspondence with NGO Monitor, a representative from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Tel Aviv explained

“As Israel is not on the DAC list of countries and territories1 eligible to receive official development assistance, all Israeli organizations we support under the budgetary main sector ‘152 – Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security’ are required to have a cross-border approach. For this reason, all funds allocated to this sector are transferred from the Ministry’s regional budget for the Middle East, and not a country-specific budget.”

Contrary to Norway’s classification, Terrestrial Jerusalem, an Israeli NGO, is funded (under sector 152 and categorized) through the country-specific budget for “Palestine.”

In addition, revealing a lack of transparency, two “undefinedorganizations, categorized under “Middle East Regional,” are receiving NOK 3.1 million and NOK 2 million in 2016.

Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretariat

  • As of June 1, 2016, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs allocated NOK 5 million ($600,000) to the Human Rights & International Humanitarian Law Secretariat (IHL Secretariat).
  • Norway joins Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark and the Netherlands, in funding the IHL Secretariat. This funding mechanism has a budget of $17.6 million over four years. The funds are managed by the Institute of Law at Birzeit University (IoL-BZU) in Ramallah and a European multidisciplinary consulting company, NIRAS.
  • The IHL Secretariat funds highly politicized NGOs that engage in lawfare against Israeli officials and companies that do business with Israel, promote BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns, advance a “1948 agenda,” exploit the false “apartheid” analogy to demonize Israel and even promote antisemitic propaganda.
  • NGO Monitor has extensively documented numerous concerns relating to the IHL Secretariat.
OrganizationTotal agreed (NOK)2016 (NOK)2015 (NOK)Funding Source
Human Rights & International Humanitarian Law Secretariat (IHL Secretariat)5,000,000
5,0000, in Al Ram/Palestine

The following organizations located in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza receive direct funding from the Norwegian MFA/NORAD:

Organization2019 (NOK)2018 (NOK)2017 (NOK)2016 (NOK)
Maan Development Center2,300,0001,200,000611,0001,457,676
Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights1,000,000
Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP)2,310,0001,500,0001,500,000
Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC)2,600,0002,800,0002,600,000
Palestine Strategy Group750,0002,000,0001,320,000
Hebron Rehabilitation Committee2,250,0001,230,0001,240,000
The Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR)2,250,0002,250,0002,500,000744,745
AMAN Coalition4,820,0004,580,0005,000,000495,812
Palestinian Bible Society279,270182,301958,121967,035
Kairos Palestine400,000400,000

*Categorized as “Middle East Regional,” exact location uncertain.
**Grant was cut from 3 million (2015-2018)

According to information submitted to the Israeli Registrar of Non-Profits, the following Israeli NGOs receive funding from the Norwegian government that is otherwise not reflected above:

Organization2015 (NIS)2014 (NIS)Funding Source
Breaking the Silence154,910165,150Embassy – Norway
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-I)538,722165,150Embassy – Norway
Emek ShavehN/A130,532Embassy – Norway
Yesh DinN/A483,425Embassy – Norway

Funding to Norwegian and international organizations active in the region

Organization2017 (NOK)2016 (NOK)Funding Source
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)1,871,735Middle East Section MFA
17,689,000Middle East Section MFA
11,000,00011,000,000Section for Humanitarian Affairs
Norwegian Aid Committee (NORWAC)13,700,00013,700,000Section for Humanitarian Affairs
Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)13,398,65512,355,023Section for Civil Society Strengthening
3,000,0007,000,000Section for Humanitarian Affairs
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) – local office-105,284968,012Section for Civil Society Strengthening
NCA - EAPPI1,912,534Section for Civil Society Strengthening
NCA - The Lutheran World Federation303,940188,172Section for Civil Society Strengthening
NCA - Middle East Council of Churches591,398Section for Civil Society Strengthening
NCA - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jordan (ELCJHL)658,536.80430,108Section for Civil Society Strengthening
695,500698,925Section for Civil Society Strengthening
NCA - World Alliance of YMCAs161,290Section for Civil Society Strengthening
NCA - DanChurchAid483,871Section for Civil Society Strengthening
1,926,0001,397,580Section for Civil Society Strengthening
5,976,4411,801,075Section for Civil Society Strengthening
NCA – World Council of Churches214,000215,054Section for Civil Society Strengthening
NCA - Asala430,108Section for Civil Society Strengthening
Save the Children (Norway) 1,233,900Section for Civil Society Strengthening
Save The Children international via Red Cross333,4456,660,000Section for Humanitarian Affairs
Quaker Service770,073Section for Civil Society Strengthening
429,927Section for Civil Society Strengthening
Integrity Action536,119171,635Section for Civil Society Strengthening
YMCA/YWCA1,033,0641,033,364Section for Civil Society Strengthening
1,819,7581,819,758Section for Civil Society Strengthening
127,016127,016Section for Civil Society Strengthening

Indirect Funding to Israel/Palestinian Political NGOs

In addition, the Israeli NGO ”Who Profits” reported receiving funds from Fagforbundet, a Norwegian labor union. Fagforbundet actively promotes BDS.

Organization2016 (NIS)2015 (NIS)Funding Source
Who Profits44,26249,838Fagforbundet

(Source: Israeli Registrar of Non-Profits)

Israeli and Palestinian NGOs funded by Norway

  • Miftah (NOK 3.2 million for 2015-16; also received NOK 1 million in 2014)
    Utilizes anti-Israel and antisemitic rhetoric. Describes terror groups as “resistance fighters” and accuses Israel of perpetrating “massacres,” “cultural genocide,” “war crimes,” and “article written by Nawaf al-Zaru that repeated the antisemitic blood libel that Jews use Christian blood to bake Passover matzah.
  • Al Haq (NOK 3.2 million for 2015-16; also received NOK 1 million in 2014)
  • Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) (NOK 1 million for 2016; previously NOK 1 million for 2015)
  • Breaking the Silence (over NIS 150,000 in 2015 and NIS 160,000 in 2014)
    • Active in promoting “war crimes” charges against Israel. These charges were based on anonymous and unverifiable hearsay “testimonies.”
  • Yesh Din (over NIS 480,000 in 2014)
    • On May 6, 2016, Yesh Din’s legal advisor, Adv. Michael Sfard, appeared on behalf of the organization before the UN Security Council and presented data allegedly indicating a “lack of enforcement that enables the continuous violence against Palestinians, which is part of a long-term effort to dispossess them of their lands.” This is part of Yesh Din’s broader “lawfare” strategy of manipulating data about Israeli law enforcement and pressing “war crimes” cases against Israeli officials in foreign courts and in the International Criminal Court (ICC).
  • Ma’an Development Center (over NOK 4 million for 2014-2017)
    • Published “Boycotts, Divestment & Sanctions: Lessons learned in effective solidarity,” a guide to grassroots and international BDS campaigns.
    • Refers to Israeli “colonization,” and Israeli governments are described as “consecutive occupation governments since 1948.” The security barrier is consistently referred to as the “Apartheid Wall” and the section that surrounds Qalqilya is described “[a]s a control mechanism,” which “takes on the form of an enclosed cage in this area, transforming it into an open-air prison.
  • Who Profits (over NIS 136,000 NIS for 2014-2016 from Fagforbundet Labor Union)
    • Initiates international BDS campaigns, targeting Israeli and foreign banks, security companies, civil infrastructure facilities, and private companies. Also identifies companies for other BDS activists to target.
  • Al Mezan (NOK 2 million for 2015-16; also received NOK 1 million in 2014); Partnering with Save the Children, Defence for Children International – Palestine Section, and Ma´an Network NOK 4.4 million– 2015-2018; previously NOK 5 million in 2014.
  • Gaza Community Mental Health Program (NOK 4.5 million for 2015-2017, previously NOK 550,000 2014)
    • Uses unsubstantiated medical claims as an avenue to criticize the Israeli government, including allegations that the Jewish state engages in “systematic state organized violence,” “collective punishment” “massacres,” “war crimes,” and a system of “apartheid” against the Palestinian people.
  • Addameer (NOK 1.8 million for 2015-16; previously NOK 405,000 in 2014)
  • Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC) (NOK 2.6 million for 2016)
    • Its 2014 Semi-Annual Report accuses Israel of “collective punishment,” “human rights violations,” “women’s rights violations,” and seeking “to “suppress resistance” by “targeting civil society in order to obtain land and continue to undermine the economic stability, the growth and the development of Palestinian society.”
  • Palestine Strategy Group (NOK 1.32 million for 2016)
    • Supports a “one state reality.”
    • Its Post-Oslo Strategy supports “resistance in all its forms,” including BDS: “Our power is the steadfastness of our people, the justice of our cause and resistance in all its forms including the growing global movement for boycott sanctions and divestment. Our strategic aim is to convert legitimacy power into real transformation on the ground.”
    • Dr Husam Zomlot, co-founder and coordinator of the Palestine Strategy Group, claimed in an interview on BBC (BBC Interview, 20 Aug 2014 from 39:21) that “They [Israelis] are fabricating all these stories about beheading journalists in Iraq… it happened somewhere else in Iraq, as if they are fabricating also the story of the Holocaust, that it happened in Europe, not the story itself, but the reason why they are doing this, and using so many other examples to justify their murder of a nation.”
  • Hebron Rehabilitation Committee (NOK 3.6 million for 2015-2017, previously NOK 900,000 in 2014)
  • Physicians for Human Rights – Israel (PHR-I) (over NIS 530,000 in 2015 and over NIS 165,000 in 2014)
    • A highly biased political NGO that uses a façade of medicine to advance a narrow agenda and falsely accuse Israel of “war crimes.”
    • On January 21, 2015, PHR-I published “Gaza, 2014: Findings of an independent medical fact-finding mission,” alleging Israeli violations of human rights and international legal norms during the 2014 Gaza War. The incomplete account in the actual publication provides absolutely no proof or evidence for these serious charges. To accurately draw such conclusions requires factual knowledge, considerable military expertise, as well as access to comprehensive data from both the Israeli army and from within Gaza, in particular during the fighting. PHR-I does not possess any of this information, and the NGO is unqualified to issue its conclusions.
  • The Independent Commission for Human Rights (NOK 6.5 million for 2014-2015)
    • ICHR is a quasi-governmental Palestinian organization. ICHR refers to explosions in Hamas military training camps and deaths in tunnels between Gaza and Egypt as human rights violations against Palestinians.
  • AMAN coalition (nearly NOK 6 million for 2013-16) includes Miftah and Al Mezan.
  • Ir Amim (NOK 1.45 million for 2015-2016; cut from NOK 3 million for 2015-18; previously NOK 1.34 million in 2014)
    • Activities include “[m]onitoring” and “exposing” Israeli government actions in Jerusalem, “policy and legal advocacy,” and running highly politicized tours of Jerusalem and the security barrier. Ir Amim frequently accuses Israel of attempting to “Judaize” Jerusalem and promotes the Palestinian narrative on the city, including claims that “government powers are being handed over to the settler organizations” and archeological digs have become an important “tool in the fight for control” over Jerusalem.
  • B’Tselem (NOK 4.5 million for 2015-17; previously nearly NOK 2 million in 2014)
    • Aims to change Israeli government policy in the West Bank and Gaza by utilizing false accusations of Israeli human rights violations. The NGO became very active during the 2014 Gaza war, issuing numerous statements and conducting highly politicized campaigns. These activities were characterized by repeated false or distorted factual and legal allegations and blatant political bias, which is often repeated at face value by journalists and in media appearances.
  • Terrestrial Jerusalem (NOK 1.8 million for 2014-2016)
    • Promotes a one-sided approach to the conflict, placing sole blame for the failure of the peace process on Israel. The complexities of the situation in Jerusalem are erased, including illegal building and crime in Palestinian neighborhoods, damage to the Temple Mount as a result of illegal digging by the Waqf, and incitement to violence against Jews by extremist clerics.
    • As noted above, contrary to Norway’s classification schemes, Terrestrial Jerusalem, an Israeli NGO, is funded and categorized as a Palestinian NGO.
  • HaMoked (NOK 2.7 million for 2015-17; previously NOK 1.5 million in 2014)
  • Emek Shaveh (over NIS 130,000 in 2014)

Norwegian and international organizations funded by Norway

  • Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) (NOK 30.6 million for 2016; NOK 25.4 million for 2015)
    • NRC also receives funding from Sweden, the UK, and the EU.
    • NRC received a NOK 15.4 million grant in 2015 to be implemented by the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH).
    • Between 2011 and 2014, NRC received NOK 89.8 million from Norway for activities in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.
    • NRC supports politicized “Litigation of public interest cases …through Israeli courts and international mechanisms” in 2016. Previously, NRC funded over 4,000 cases and legal interventions in Israeli forums.
    • A lawyer affiliated with the NRC program stated that the objective of these cases is an attempt to “try every possible legal measure to disrupt the Israeli judicial system… as many cases as possible are registered and that as many cases as possible are appealed to increase the workload of the courts and the Supreme Court to such an extent that there will be a blockage.” (emphasis added)
  • Norwegian Aid Committee (NORWAC) (NOK 13.7 million for 2016)
    • The Norwegian Aid Committee (NORWAC) received funding for medical assistance in Gaza and the West Bank. NORWAC received NOK 13.7 million for 2016, $5.76 million in 2014 (including $2.58 million in emergency funds for Gaza), and $2,418,000 for 2015-2016.
    • A NORWAC representative, Dr. Mads Gilbert, has engaged in radical propaganda, including justifying the 9/11 attacks and making false claims regarding the Gaza conflict.
  • Norwegian People’s Aid (NOK 49.9 million in 2016)
  • Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) (over NOK 29 million 2016 in 2016)
  • Save the Children (nearly NOK 4.5 million for 2015-2018 –Save the Children Norway; NOK 6.66 million for 2016-2018 – Save the Children International; previously NOK 5 million in 2014)
    • Funding to Save the Children Norway is for “improving state capacity to monitor and report to the UN Committe [sic] on the Rights of the Child.; strengthening of national systems and building awareness and capacity of civil society to promote and defend child rights.”
    • Partners for the program include:
      • Defense for Children –Palestine – supports BDS campaigns against Israel and is an active participant in lobbying the UN, EU, and other international bodies to promote this agenda.
      • Pyalara – According to Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), PYALARA-produced TV programs “glorify terrorists,” including suicide bombers
      • Ma’an News – acts as a platform for tendentious anti-Israel statements, regularly presenting an entirely biased and distorted view of the conflict based solely on the Palestinian narrative of victimization and sole Israeli aggression, while also publicizing material from radical NGOs. Features analyses and commentary, accusing Israel of “war crimes,” “genocide,” “massacres,” “human rights violations,” acting with “impunity” and maintaining a “system of segregation and apartheid”; refers to terrorism as “resistance.
      • Al Mezan (see above)
  • Quaker Service (NOK 3.6 million for 2014-2016)
  • Integrity Action (over NOK 1 million for 2014-2016)

Previous funding from Norway:

In a November 2015 (released July 2016) evaluation of Norwegian aid to Palestine, the following information was provided detailing funding from Norway to Palestinian entities between 2011-2014:

Agreement partner NOK (000)2011201220132014Total 2011-2014
Maan Development Centre 1,1501,0631,1371,1434,493
Al Haq 90090010001,0003,800
Al Mezan Centre For Human Rights 7007007001,0003,100
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights 7007007001,0003,100
Gaza Community Mental Health Program 7007007005502,650
Addameer ----400405805
Terrestrial Jerusalem ----400400
Norwegian Aid Committee (NORWAC)18,00014,84212,26742,34087,449
Norwegian Refugee Council10,11025,85526,33627,50089,801
Norwegian Peoples Aid (NPA)24,43625,42625,12824,23899,228
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)14,27913,76113,76022,13763,937
Stiftelsen Oljeberget (Mount of Olives Foundation – NCA)5,50012,6968,000--26,196
Save the Children (Norway) 5,3564,2765,53717,55432,723
Save the Children International Alliance--5,0005,0005,00015,000
AMAN Coalition 2,3001,3522,1211,2196,992
Arab Thought Forum 552448250--1,250
Palestinakomiteen i Norge 3700------3,700
KFUK-KFUM Global (YMCA-YWCA)2,3262,1504,0103,20011,686
Digni - tidl. Bistandsnemnda 3,0782,3032,9422,90911,232
Kvekerhjelpen (Quaker Service)1,1821,1821,1401,2004,704
Forskningsstiftelsen (FAFO)  --131----131
WLAC - Women Legal Aid Center 2,6002,6002,6002,60010,400
Consultants2011201220132014Total 2011-2014
Hassan Jabareen (Adalah)5464----118