NGO Monitor analyzed New Israel Fund’s (NIF) 2021 financial report (latest available – released in July 2022), detailing grants to 260 Israeli non-governmental organizations (NGOs). We focused specifically on the approximately 13% of NIF’s funding that is distributed to 35 political advocacy NGOs claiming to promote human rights in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Many of the NGOs in the NIF network also receive large grants from European governments, in some cases providing 90 percent or more of their total budgets.

NIF’s financial reports show:

  • 2021 revenue — $31.8 million, a 37% decrease from 2020 ($50.9 million).
  • 2021 total contributions — $29.3 million, a 28% decrease from 2020 ($40.8 million). NIF’s donor-advised contributions also decreased 83.6% to $1.4 million from $8.4 million in 2020 (See Table 1).
  • The amounts listed in the NIF’s annual financial statements comprise “core grants” made directly by the NIF, “donor-advised” grants, and grants from the Progressive Jewish Fund. NIF details the division between the “core” and “donor-advised” formats in a separate online chart (see Table 4). According to the NIF, “For reasons connected to the schedule of our grant payments, this figure may differ from the amount paid to a grantee in the reporting year.”

In analyzing NIF’s financial documents, NGO Monitor found that:

  • The NIF continues to fund a number of NGOs centrally involved in political advocacy activities related to the Arab-Israeli conflict, as documented by NGO Monitor. Of note are coordinated and concerted efforts by B’Tselem, Adalah, Breaking the Silence, Gisha, Combatants for Peace, Kerem Navot, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, and Yesh Din.
  • Over the last two years, these groups have been part of a network of NGOs that promote artificial and manufactured definitions of apartheid to extend the ongoing campaigns that seek to delegitimize and demonize Israel. (Read NGO Monitor’s Policy Paper “False Knowledge as Power: Deconstructing Definitions of Apartheid that Delegitimise the Jewish State.”)
    • Breaking the Silence promotes “war crimes” charges against Israel based on anonymous and unverifiable hearsay “testimonies” in international fora, making sweeping accusations against Israel and the IDF while regularly omitting crucial context such as Palestinian terror. In March 2020, Breaking the Silence alleged, “Israeli officials are now actively promoting an apartheid reality which itself blurs the lines, and our position [of not participating in ‘Israel Apartheid Week’ events on campus] may therefore have to change in the future accordingly.”
    • B’Tselem actively pursues its political agenda of “international consequences” and international pressure on Israel via lobbying of the UN and European governments. In January 2021, B’Tselem launched a discriminatory and hateful campaign, under the banner of “A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid.” As part of the campaign, B’Tselem attacked Israel’s role as a haven for the Jewish people (the Law of Return) and used the phrase “from the river to the sea” – echoing long-standing Palestinian terminology for the destruction of Israel. (Read NGO Monitor’s analysis: “From the “River to the Sea”: B’Tselem’s Demonization Crosses the Line.”)
    • Gisha employs “apartheid” other international legal rhetoric to promote a partisan political and ideological agenda. In January 2021, Gisha published an article titled “Naming the reality,” writing that the “word apartheid evokes revulsion, as it should. There are undoubtedly differences between the apartheid regime in South Africa and Israel, but the thread that connects them is undeniable.”
    • Under the guise of medical expertise and aid, Physicians for Human Rights – Israel promotes distorted and false narratives, used to demonize and delegitimize Israel in the international arena. In February 2022, during the periodic review of Israel for the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) at the UN Human Rights Committee, PHRI-I published a submission that ”deliberate policies has created a situation whereby there has been a consistent damage to the Palestinian health services, which are — as a result of Israeli policies — inferior and less available than those offered to Israelis; namely, apartheid in health.”
  • In 2021, the NIF authorized $4.8 million in grants to 35 political NGOs — a 28% increase (see Table 2), and 30% of total grants.
  • NIF increased its grants to Breaking the Silence, B’Tselem, Gisha, HaMoked, and Physicians for Human Rights – Israel, and decreased funds for Adalah, Bimkom, Molad, Standing Together, and Yesh Din. It is unclear if these changes reflect a policy change or are due to multi-year grants in which the amounts fluctuate through the cycle.
  • NIF began funding the Israeli Center for Public Affairs, a new NGO founded by and employing former Breaking the Silence staff.

Progressive Jewish Fund

  • The Progressive Jewish Fund was launched by the NIF in October 2019, as a donor-advised “national progressive Jewish platform from which to make both US and Israel-based grants… to give to organizations – Jewish or non-Jewish – whose values are consistent with NIF’s principles and policies.” In part, this appears to be an attempt by NIF to attract Jewish donors to specific recipients and seeking an alternative to local federations, some of which had refused to transfer donations to radical anti-Israel groups.
  • 256 NGOs (27 of which are also grantees under the existing NIF donor-advised framework) received funds through NIF’s Progressive Jewish Fund in 2021 (see Table 3), including:
    • Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP)
    • IfNotNow
      • IfNotNow is a US-based fringe group that uses highly polarizing tactics in attacking American Jewish institutions, citing supposed “support for occupation.” IfNotNow has organized protests and sit-ins at the headquarters of leading American Jewish communal organizations, infiltrated Birthright trips, as well as “run[] small, weekend-long orientation trainings on our movement DNA – our collective strategy, story, and structure.”
    • Human Rights Watch
      • Human Rights Watch is a powerful NGO, with a massive budget, close links to Western governments, and significant influence in international institutions. Its publications reflect the absence of professional standards, research methodologies, and military and legal expertise, as well as a deep-seated ideological bias against Israel.
      • HRW is a leader of demonization campaigns, including lobbying the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate Israeli officials, and leading BDS campaigns targeting banks, soccer clubs, and other businesses operating in Israel.
      • HRW is spearheading the campaign to promote artificial and manufactured definitions of apartheid to extend the ongoing demonization and delegitimization of Israel. HRW’s 2021 report accusing Israel of apartheid was used as the basis for the UN Human Rights Council’s permanent Commission of Inquiry against Israel. (Read NGO Monitor’s Policy Paper “False Knowledge as Power: Deconstructing Definitions of Apartheid that Delegitimise the Jewish State.”)

Table 1: Overview of NIF Finances 2017-2021 (amounts in USD)

Total Expenses43,727,42936,291,68334,129,52634,455,15034,887,485
Total Revenue57,051,08434,614,39431,789,35350,977,01433,403,322
Grants Authorized25,026,97319,351,76017,315,12817,811,33617,366,603
Grants Paid25,925,50619,751,71616,179,18318,154,23817,366,698

Table 2: Multiyear Review of Authorized Core and Donor Advised Grants to Political NGOs (2017 – 2021, USD)

Breaking the Silence828,326572,134629,926510,942359,219$2,900,547
Combatants for Peace39,30145,34837,63625,44921,180$168,914
Emek Shaveh59,54033,35041,15029,80031,275$195,025
Gisha: Legal Center for the Protection of Freedom of Movement124,36792,43197,79082,51637,803$434,907
HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual197,68760,38778,189104,11983,375$523,757
Haqel: Jews and Arabs in Defense of Human Rights41,8164,50230560,590140,972$248,185
Human Rights Defenders Fund (HRDF)150,565171,745200,550116,892175,984$815,736
Ir Amim164,151140,684147,794170,392178,334$801,355
Israeli Center for Public Affairs221,284$221,284
Molad: The Center for the Renewal of Democracy17,00035,83325,00047,20668,857$193,896
Kerem Navot (Naboth's Vineyard)15,00015,0005,0005,00012,610$52,610
Negev Coexistence Forum46,92646,81359,76682,00073,406$308,911
Nine Seven Two: Advancement of Citizen Journalism332,747274,119313,219151,540127,531$1,199,156
Parents' Circle: Bereaved Parents26,1073,0482,66613,45673,406$118,683
Physicians for Human Rights - Israel409,787320,728274,997317,17486,894$1,409,580
Rabbis for Human Rights114,29343,86143,98537,12042,775$282,034
Reut Sadaka Jewish-Arab Youth Movement27,8923,1004,0504,04911,050$50,141
Social TV35,000-40010,2878,070$53,757
Standing Together275,642332,519224,512102,52891,021$1,026,222
Terrestrial Jerusalem3,989-10,0005020,000$34,039
The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel75,07379,63945,80035,55038,450$274,512
Women's Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch)113,607104,107117,171112,234129,397$576,516
Yesh Din110,806130,262138,999140,040176,214$696,321
Zazim - Community Action257,776211,852327,793190,948314,022$1,302,391


Table 3: 2019-2021 Progressive Jewish Fund Funding (amounts in USD)

Alliance for Middle East Peace35,50040,00035,0002,500
Amnesty International1,000
Breaking the Silence29,33015,50011,0001,800
Combatants for Peace2,75015,32012,0004,000
Foundation for Middle East Peace25,0002,000
Human Rights Watch100100100
Ir Amim1,3608,600
Just Vision65,50050,000
Nine Seven Two: Advancement of Citizen Journalism11,80011,00012,5002,500
Oxfam America100100100
Palestine Children's Relief Fund1,200100
Parents' Circle: Bereaved Parents19,54012,5005,0005,000
Physicians for Human Rights2,00021,5005,000
The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel1,800
Rabbis for Human Rights1,6001,600
Tides Center2,3601,800500
Tides Foundation12,00012,50029,180
Women's Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch)1,0001,0001,800
Yesh Din6,0001,000


Table 4: Breakdown of 2021 Funding (amounts in USD)

NGOCore fundingDonor AdvisedTotal
Breaking the Silence120,000703,023$823,023
Combatants for Peace5,00040,790$45,790
Emek Shaveh30,00016,100$46,100
Gisha: Legal Center for the Protection of Freedom of Movement18,00069,078$87,078
HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual196,503$196,503
Haqel: Jews and Arabs in Defense of Human Rights10,00035,915$45,915
Human Rights Defenders Fund (HRDF)88,65056,420$145,070
Ir Amim50,000135,845$185,845
Molad: The Center for the Renewal of Democracy17,000$17,000
Kerem Navot (Naboth's Vineyard)15,000$15,000
Negev Coexistence Forum16,00030,901$46,901
Nine Seven Two: Advancement of Citizen Journalism328,088$328,088
Parents' Circle: Bereaved Parents5,00022,675$27,675
Physicians for Human Rights - Israel90,000310,784$400,784
Rabbis for Human Rights50,55062,724$113,274
Reut Sadaka Jewish-Arab Youth Movement28,793$28,793
Social TV35,000$35,000
Standing Together105,000170,643$275,643
Terrestrial Jerusalem3,989$3,989
The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel30,00059,237$89,237
Women's Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch)25,00079,635$104,635
Yesh Din$40,00058,733$98,733
Zazim - Community Action100,000157,395$257,395